PGP.txt  keybase.txt


If the cave is too dark just use the adjust button. You have it.

Every content published here is allowed to be used in any manner. No permission is required whatsoever. it would be a great pleasure if someone could use them.

In this cave I try to share what I learn specially in filed of cyber security. I would also write about my other interests. But at the end of the day it is still called nikzad.internet.cave so it has to be like a cave. It has to be simple. It has to be my place to escape.

Topics are going to have no special order or policy.

chronograph -> to share stories, thoughts or cyber security stuff in a timeline
e.s.c.a.p.e -> activities, places, people or objects that bring me joy

There are easter eggs in this website. Like a mini CTF (capture the flag) game. Enjoy finding them.

[something] -> those are links, click on them. 

this field will get updated


- NASA Europa Clipper Assembly Live Assembling Streaming
- hanemile's blog

version: pre-alpha-2